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Spring Cleaning

Blog - Woman High Fiving Her Toddler Daughter While They Both are Cleaning the Living Room with Cleaning Supplies on the Floor around them as they Sit

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a great time to hit the refresh button and declutter our lives from the winter months. A little home maintenance in the spring can go a long way in keeping your home safe and secure throughout the year. We often like to call this ‘Spring Cleaning’. As a homeowner, your to-do list may be ever-growing and slightly daunting. Let us help guide you on the important pieces and where you should focus.

Electric Outlets and Cords

Check electrical outlets and cords throughout your home for any potential fire hazards such as frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs.

Fire Extinguisher

Check your fire extinguisher at least once a year to ensure they are in good condition and that the pressure gauge is in the “green” zone.


Check for any damage from snow or ice and make any necessary repairs to reduce the possibility of leaks.

Clear Gutters

It’s a good idea to clear gutters from any debris and check for any corrosion, joint, or fastener problems.

Inspect the Foundation

Check for any cracks in the foundation. If you happen to notice any, be sure to mark them and check back in a few months for any changes.

Trim Landscaping

Inspect any trees for broken limbs, especially ones that may hang over your home.

Heating and Cooling Unit– Have a professional inspect your outdoor unit to ensure it will work for the summer months.

Evaluate Wooden Decks– Check for water stains, as these could indicate water damage, which can lead to wood decay.

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