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Tips For Driving Safe In The Snow

Blog - Close Up of Car Tires on the Passenger's Side of a Car That is Sitting in the Snow with Tire Tracks

Tips For Driving Safe In The Snow

With unpredictable road conditions, there are many scenarios where an accident could easily occur when driving in snow. To best protect yourself and those around you this winter we thought we’d share a few helpful tips.

Routine Vehicle Maintenance

When thinking of driving through the winter months it’s always best to take the time to have your vehicle inspected. Regular maintenance checks are a great way to ensure your tires can withstand the winter driving conditions.

Snow Tires are a great addition and highly recommended. When scheduling an appointment to have your vehicle inspected we recommend speaking with someone about the best options for replacing your tires.

Another great addition would be snow windshield wipers. Windshield wipers are a key part to safe driving, they are also incredibly easy to damage in the colder months. To protect your windshield wipers it’s recommended to clear any snow or ice from your windshield, allow your vehicle to properly warm up and defrost, before attempting to use your wipers.

Driving Through Snow

On snowy roads, especially unfamiliar ones, it’s always best to drive at a slower speed. Always stick to a speed you feel as though you can travel safely and comfortably through. When driving significantly below the speed limit, stick to the farthest right lane (closest to the shoulder) with your emergency flashers. This allows other drivers to take caution that your speed is lower and that you are being cautious. Everyone’s comfort level varies, by staying in the furthest lane to the right you are giving a safe space for those that wish to pass by the opportunity to do so.

While driving it’s best to accelerate and decelerate slowly, increase your following distance and always be on the look out for black ice. When traveling through ice or snow uphill, it’s best to try and build momentum before approaching the hill. Do not try to power up a hill or slow down. When you attempt to do either you will, often, lose control of the vehicle and begin to slide. It’s important to also remember to not use cruise control and to always slow down ahead of time.

Be Prepared

Prepare your car for any trips you may take in the winter months. If you do not currently have an emergency kit in your vehicle– this is a great time to make one! In your emergency kit be sure to include; extra clothes, insurance cards, a blanket, and snacks.

When it comes to driving in winter conditions always be aware of your surroundings, limit distractions and drive only when necessary. If you are involved in an accident, call your agent and ask for guidance.

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